Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lady not woMAN

Single me here again. With so much free time on my hands this weekend, I started really thinking through this posting. You see, I want to touch on a subject that some liberals may consider ridiculous to even discuss. That times have changed so much that ways of old should should be forgotten. Well I disagree.

The subject, simply woman behaving like woman and letting the men behave like men. I don't view this as being the little woman at home, because frankly, this can be done with a full time job.  What it is, is the manner in which we conduct ourselves in public and private towards our male counter parts. I tell you, the men love it and you will too. I am sure you need me to brake this out and so I will.

Let him feel like a man:

Men like to feel strong, smart and in not controlling, but in control. When he offers you help with something, let him. If he wants to suggest a better way to do something, listen to him. If he wants to show you the way, follow him. Small jesters that don't take anything away from you as a woman, but show him respect that so many of us woman forget to sometimes.

Don't be afraid to be afraid:

Being the hero, or better put, your hero can really take him to a new level. No I am not talking about him paying a bill for you or anything financial. Nothing I write here will ever suggest financial obligation in any relationship. What I am talking about is, if you get scared at a haunted house, hold his arm tight. Let him know that you feel safe in his arms. If you get a flat, call him, I promise it would be a rare situation that would keep him away. Oh sure he is going to complain, but deep down inside, he appreciates that you called him to come rescue you.

Leave the tough girl act at home:

There is a huge difference between being a "Big Girl" and being a "Tough Chica". A big girl can handle any situation thrown her way without raising her voice or fist. Nothing will turn your man off quicker then growing a set of balls, bigger then his. All that being a Tough Chica does is challenge his masculinity.

Be his eye candy:

When your man takes you someplace, even if it is to the hardware store, take a little time to look nice. There is nothing wrong with looking your best at all times. Part of the whole male being, is pride and you really don't want him more proud of his truck then he is of you. A lot of times we woman get comfortable after a while with our men and think "I don't need to do my hair or get out of these house slippers for him, we are beyond that". Well NEW FLASH sweety, when he stops taking you places with him and leaves you at home, go look in the mirror and there is the answer why.

Little jesters go a long way:

Both men and woman go through this, so I guess it applies both ways. Let your man know that he has your attention and heart. This can be down without words, because words are just words. It can be in a touch, while you are sitting at the table having a conversation with someone else, take your hand and touch his hand or run your hand along his shoulder. If your across the room from him, look over at him with adoring eyes and smile. You will not only assure him that he has your attention, but he will know that even when your not by his side, he is who you want to be with.

Sure all of this, and believe me it is just the beginning of a big long novel, sounds a little old fashion or like being the little woman, but I assure you it is not. I really don't think the woman's-lib movement when it was first started meant in anyway that we were to try and imitate man. Be a lady to the truest form of the meaning and he will be the man he was meant to be.

Live, Laugh and do it again.


  1. I agree completely:) Being a lady doesn't mean you cant take care of yourself, it just means your a lady! Truth be told we all want a man to pamper us a little:)

  2. You may need to write a book. Us single ladies need all the help we can get!
