Hey all single me here again. I got to thinking about this blog of mine and the thoughts I share on being single and dating. Did a little research online to see what else was out there and was amazed at all the blogs and articles on this subject. Each so very different and yet all with the same goal. Finding and holding on to that thing called love. Don't worry, I do believe in love, but still waiting patiently to feel it. This really got me thinking, because you know I felt I needed to evaluate how I put my thoughts out there. I would hate to have my thoughts be the cause of any ones heart break and I really think it could be now. You see, I discovered today that it is different for everyone. We all are unique, even in the smallest of mannerisms and patterns. We all have our own thoughts of what love will or does feel like. The only person who could even capture the truth of that emotion is the person you share it with.
I have put a lot of my thoughts out there on how I am and what attracts me to a certain man, but this is my way feeling and exploring this journey to what may or may not be love. I don't know to be honest, how I feel right now. I do know that I found a perfect happy and if I am blessed I will continue to have this in my life and keep it with me always. But I must tell you all that nothing you read here will help you or even guide you to your perfect happy or even love. You need to find it within yourself and know what it is that really sparks that feeling in you. It can not be directed or faked, it has to be natural and true. It really is best to go out there as yourself, whom ever you are and be yourself. If you don't like to wear a dress, don't pretend that you do. If you can't cook, say so. Believe me that old myth about men, is just that a myth. Let a man see you for who you really are and let the cards fall where they do. This goes the same for him. Men, don't fake who you really are for a woman. If you like to sit around and drink beer, pass gas, tell dirty jokes then do it. There are some woman that see past what some consider vulgar behavior and see you for who you are. I personally have met many men that can be so nasty, but would never make me feel dirty. And no woman wants to be a dirty girl.
So for all my single friends, sit down and realize who you are and what makes you feel good. When you have really done this, then go out into the world of dating and see if you can find what is right for you. It may not happen right away, some rights can end up wrong, but it will happen. I can say from honest experience now, regardless of what tomorrow holds, I am so thankful for everyday I felt my happiness.
Live, laugh and do it again.
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