Thursday, November 18, 2010

Single me is back

Single me here and living again. The hardest part of the whole dating scene is the love lost.  Weighs heavy on the heart and can really kick the pride hard. But then you just need to take a minute gather yourself and get going again. You see I just had to live this part myself and look at me, all happy and back to my nutty self. 

I realized many things over my little break and came up with a top ten break up rules:

10.  Don't speak out of anger during the breakup process, this man may not be your true love, but he may end up your best friend.
9.  Listen to him/her...they may be telling you what you need to hear about yourself.
8.  Don't do rebound dating....this never ever ever works.
7.  Understand that you are beautiful and perfect to not only yourself, but someone out there that just has not come into your life yet.
6.  Don't hide, your friends and family are there for a reason, to be your support.
5.  FOOD will not make you feel better, so don't go crazy.
4.  Don't Change who you are or anything about you!! There is nothing wrong with you.
3.  Do not pretend that everything will work out, 99% of the time, when it's over, it is over.
2.  Don't bash him/her to everyone, you liked them and all about them so no reason to lie and say they were not everything they were to you.
1. The numero uno rule of breakup's LET GO!!!!!!!!

Pretty simple and direct, but very important to surviving the part of the Dating Game. It has been a while since I have ventured online to write about my thoughts and feels and there is so much to tell. I have met someone new and who knows how things will work out. All I know is he makes me laugh, I am taking my time to get to know him and we will see. Best part about being human is that we have the greatest gift of healing within all of us and we can mend our broken hearts by just believing in ourselves and finding that strength we were all born with.

In ending today, the greatest love on earth to find is the love you have for yourself. Once you harness that, then sharing that love comes so easy.

Live, laugh and do it again.  :0)

1 comment:

  1. uhm... wow! i love this, it is by far the truest top ten ive seen :) your awesome rocky!
