Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Coming Home

Oh I could not resist this entry. "Coming Home" two simple words and yet so many meanings. In a relationship of any level the act in it's self should not be a task, but rather a desire to return to a place of comfort, pleasure and possibly love. So many times this is not the case. Both men and women balance equal on this matter.


Girls night out is just about to end and oh were you having fun, now time to go home to your man. Come on girls, you all know you have done it. You sit there and nag about how bad he treats you and how you wish the night would never end.

Guys, you know this one too. What is the best one? oh I have it " Time to get back to the bitch with the wip".

Now seriously if things are so bad at home that you don't want to return there, tell me why the hell do you? No excuse in this world is good enough for you or anyone else for that matter to be unhappy. When you hold so much unresolved anger or resentment within you, it builds and builds until there is no way out except through the pain of another. It is so not worth it. With my ex, I never wanted to be home when he was and it got to the point where it was pretty much the same with him. My fault most likely, because I settled on not being happy. It really never was a home, just a place to live. Oh and believe me when I say, I know just how cold that sounds. But for all the bad between my ex and I, some good came from it. He found someone to love him and they are happy together. As for me, well maybe I have not found love, but I sure won't make anymore pit stops along the way while I look. Lucky for us, circumstances separated us before any real damage could be done.

Now, when you are ready to be happy, that is when you can go home to happiness. No that does not always mean someone is waiting there for you, because, hey that may not be in your cards right now. What it does mean is that you have found a place or life where you can be happy and enjoy the place that you call home. True happiness is found within ourselves. Sometimes we are lucky and find someone out there that escalates that happiness to a whole new level. I can honestly say, it has taken me 12 years to figure this out. Coming home to me right now is wonderful. One day, who knows, I may share my wonderful with someone.

Until then, live, laugh and do it again

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! I love reading your notes. And I get to be your first follower!
